Virtual Class With Passu Diary, Bhutanese Popular Blogger.
I on behalf of Tsangkha Middle Secondary School Dagana Dzongkhag, Students of Class VIII ABC 2022 batch and on my own behalf, I would like to thank Chapla Passu / Passang Tshering the most Popular blogger from Bhutan for being with us for an hours explaining on the topic Blogs to my future bloggers of class VIII ABC, Explaining your journey as earned Blogger, core competence to become a good blogger and choosing topics and technical requirement to become a professional blogger. This is not only the gesture shown by Mr Passang Tshering the famous blogger from Bhutan, he also contributed 3 numbers of SATO-PAN toilet Pots which our students are enjoying in the School Day toilet at Tsangkha Middle Secondary School, Dagana. whole heartedly i would like to thank you so much. ...